
Let's get you on the roster.

Select Register on the Welcome Screen

Welcome! Now that you've got the app installed, just click register...

Complete the Registration Form

Add your full name, you preferred email for authentication and communications form our team, and a secure password (ideally created with a password manager).

Make sure your password entries match, and if you need to view them to confirm, use the show/hide buttons in the password fields.

Tap Create Account

CertLocker will validate your submission, and as long as inputs look good, you're in! If any issues are detected, you should see a notice with instructions on what's wrong (something like password mismatch, invalid email formatting, or email already in use).


With successful registration, you'll be routed to the My Certs screen, where you can upload your first Cert, or head over to Settings to upload a profile photo and create your user profile.

Last updated